Get lasting treatment that addresses the underlying cause of all your symptoms.

Services offered:

Manual Therapy - A hands on approach consisting of soft tissue mobilizations, trigger point release, and joint mobilizations.

Neuromuscular Re-education - Re-training the brain and body to move and function together to produce proper movement.

Active Release Technique (ART) - Active Release Technique is a method that detects restrictions or adhesions in soft tissue (muscle and fascia) and uses active movement to release the restrictions.

Mobilization With Movement (MWM) - A technique that utilizes a therapist performed joint mobilization while the patient performs active physiological movement.

McKenzie Method - A method used for the assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders. MDT focuses on the patient and their potential to self-manage and recover their previous level of function.

Schroth Principles for Scoliosis - A non-surgical option for scoliosis management. It uses exercises customized for each patient to influence the curved spine to a more natural position. The goal of Schroth exercises is to de-rotate, elongate and stabilize the spine.

Cupping- The suction from cupping promotes increased blood circulation, which helps relieve muscle tension and promote cellular repair.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) - applied using instruments with beveled edges and contours that conform to different body locations and allows for deeper penetration.

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)- BFR training enables patients to make greater strength gains while lifting lighter loads, reducing the stress placed on the limb. BFRT works by decreasing blood flow to working muscles with the aim of promoting strength and hypertrophy.

Common Injuries We Treat

Pre- & Post Operative Rehab

Whether you need physical therapy before your surgical procedure or after, we have you covered! We specialize in all pre- and post-operative injuries including total joint replacements, ligament repairs, meniscus, labrum, rotator cuff tears, and more!


Orthopedic & Sports Injuries

We treat all common orthopedic and sport injuries including sprains, strains, tendinitis, fractures, and concussion. We treat the body from head to toe and everything in between!


Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be debilitating. Physical Therapy will help restore normal range of motion to the joint to allow proper mobility, while also strengthening the muscles to support the joints. Avoid unnecessary injections and medication with physical therapy

Neurological & Vestibular Disorders

Neurological conditions we treat include Parkinson’s Multiple sclerosis and stroke. Vestibular disorders we treat include vertigo, BPPV, Acoustic Neuroma, Ménière's disease

Acute & Chronic Pain

Treatment of acute pain is aimed at progressing the body through its normal stages of healing while addressing the underlying cause of pain.

Chronic pain is addressed through education for pain reduction strategies and activity modification to maximize function and improve quality of life.

Balance & Gait Training

Dizziness and loss of balance is never normal. Common conditions that cause dizziness and loss of balance include vertigo, BPPV, concussion, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

Workers Comp & Auto Injuries

In the unfortunate event you were injured on the job or in a car accident, we’ve got you covered!

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

TMJ dysfunction can lead to pain in the face or jaw that results in difficulty opening the mouth, chewing, and locking of the joint. With physical therapy, these symptoms can be resolved!

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.